Busy Time Management

I’m addicted to technology and time-management news! (Phew!) There, I’ve said it. I love the tips, tricks, tools, and discussions offered on a variety of websites. This past month I’ve been fairly free to spend a good deal of time clicking around on these pages for fun in between my spurts of writing for a playwriting course and reading for an Art class I’ll be starting next week. But it’s finally caught up with me. Today I’ll have to actually start attending class physically. Some classes don’t require this (creative writing) and so I’ve been able to churn out material … Continue reading

Are You Getting Obsessed with Areas of Your Business?

When I wrote this morning about how important it can be to look at where a person is spending the bulk of his or her time when it comes to the home business operation, I started thinking about how many of us become more interested in one or two areas of our businesses than others. In fact, we can become downright obsessed with certain areas or elements of our home business and that can be both a good and a bad thing… Obsessions can be inspirational and can invigorate us to spend more time and energy on certain areas of … Continue reading

Reason #197 to Work from Home

We recently got word that my husband’s long-time employer, a sign company, was closing their doors come August 1st – the owner was retiring and wasn’t selling the business but instead just shutting it down. As we debated what to do, we finally decided that moving was our only option. We live in a small town, and there isn’t exactly a plethora of graphic artist jobs in the offing. We will be moving to a larger town about two hours away, where there is a plethora of sign companies who hopefully will want to hire my husband. Hopefully. 😉 But … Continue reading

Keeping Track of Your Workload

I was just talking to my mom (hi Mom!) and we started discussing all of the many jobs that I do. She asked me, “How do you keep them all straight? How do you know which jobs you should be doing next? Do you have a spiffy computer program to track it all?” I told her that my favorite way of keeping track of my workload was to use lists. Just last night, I sat down and wrote out a huge list of things I needed to do – it would take me at least a week to get it … Continue reading

To Work at Home or to Not Work at Home: That is the Question

Okay, so I’m not nearly as funny as I think I am, but despite that horrible headline I just wrote, I do hope y’all get something out of this blog. I wanted to write today because I’ve been thinking lately about my choice back in March to come back home to go to work. It was basically going to be an “in between time” while I waited for school to start in May, so I could become an elementary school teacher. Last time I had worked from home, it was as a transcriptionist, and because I didn’t like transcribing, I … Continue reading

A Question A Week: My Readers’ Blogs

This is ongoing series where I ask a question a week to my readers so I can get to know them better. To see the post where this all started, check this out. I blog for a living, which is kind of a fun thing to say, and even better, it’s true! 😛 My main income comes from blogging here at Families, and I supplement that income through various odd jobs for various companies. I am a freelancer in every sense of the word. I have a lot of fun working as a freelancer, and of course one of the … Continue reading

A Question A Week: Cellphones vs Landlines

This is ongoing series where I ask a question a week to my readers. To see the post where this all started, check this out. My question this week is about communication: How many of my readers have opted to skip having a landline, and just have a cell phone and high-speed Internet? This is actually what I have going; since my husband and I moved into our home almost five years ago, we’ve only had a cell phone, no landline. At the time of the move-in, because we were very poor, we only had one cell phone, and no … Continue reading

Virtual Boss, I Can’t Reach You

I have come to the conclusion that although there is a lot about working at home that I just absolutely love, there are also some things that drive me crazy. The biggest problem that I’ve dealt with has been not being able to just pop in and talk to my boss whenever I want to. At my old bricks and mortar jobs, if I had a question, I could just go into my boss’s office and ask. If my boss was in a meeting, then I simply waited until they were done, but I knew when that was happening, and … Continue reading

Laptops and Courthouse Research

I have been getting quite a few responses lately regarding the courthouse research opportunity, which is fantastic–I love to receive feedback and encourage any questions or ideas to be sent to me at Hava L {at} Families dot com. One question that I have forgotten to answer and I realized that once I went through my e-mails, is the question of whether you need a laptop. The short answer is no, you technically don’t need a laptop. But, as in the case of taking children with you to the courthouse, there is the technically correct answer, and then there is … Continue reading

Paying Attention to the World Around Us

I just finished reading an absolutely stunning article about Joshua Bell, one of the leading violinists of the world. I am cheating by posting this article on here because I know it doesn’t strictly have to do with Jobs, except I like to think that one, Joshua is in fact “working” (he is playing his violin) and two, the mastery of the writing of this article makes me want to be a better writer (which is my job.) The old saying goes, “If I could write half as good as he does, I would be set for life!” Let me … Continue reading