Insurance Podcast Roundup – Week of April 30, 2012

Each week, the Insurance Podcast Roundup brings you brand new episodes of podcasts that discuss insurance related issues and topics. Listening to these podcasts is a great way to keep up with the changes that may affect the insurance that covers you and your family. NPR has an episode of “All Things Considered” that was released on April 26, 2012. This episode is called “Colorado Extends Medicaid To Some Adults Without Kids”. Typically, Medicaid covers children, women who are pregnant, people with certain types of disabilities, and people who are over the age of 65. Colorado found a way to … Continue reading

A New Steve Irwin Special to Air January 21st

It has been about four months since we all learned of the death of Crocodile Hunter Steve Irwin. I still find it hard to believe he is gone. He worked with creatures far more dangerous than the stingray that killed him. After Steve’s death, we heard all types of statistics about how stingray attacks are rare and even then, even fewer are fatal. I cannot remember the exact statistic, but I think I remember Steve was the first person to be killed by a stingray in something like 40+ years. You may have watched the memorial that aired for Steve … Continue reading