The Downsides to Having a Personal Blog

We just finished covering the great part about blogging for yourself, but there are also some really big downsides, such as: *There is no guaranteed income from it. In the first month of my personal blog, I made $0.02 from the ad income. When I told people I was “putting my two cents in” apparently I meant that literally. 😛 And since that ad revenue was coming from Google AdSense ads, and you have to reach a payout of $100 before you can receive a check for the money, that meant that at a rate of $0.02 per month, I … Continue reading

The Downsides to Writing for a Company Blog, Part Two

If you missed Part One, check it out here. We discussed having to produce a set amount of blogs each month/week/day, having a set topic you have to write on, and the fact that you can’t blog for companies like PayPerPost or ReviewMe while blogging for a company. There are more downsides – read on: *Each blog has to have at least X amount of words in it. They can usually be longer than the requirement, but they can never be shorter. If you watched a YouTube video and thought it was good enough to want to share on the … Continue reading

The Great Benefits of Blogging for a Company, Part Two

If you missed it, here is Part One. Knowing how much you’ll make as a blogger is a great benefit of working for a company, but there are more. Check them out: *The Page Rank for a company blog is almost always higher than the Page Rank for a start-up personal blog. This is only true in the case of where the company blog is established – if the company blog is a start up also, then obviously the Page Rank will be nonexistent at first. If you don’t know what I mean by “Page Rank,” then check out the … Continue reading

The Great Benefits of Blogging for a Company, Part One

I have talked about the great benefits of having a personal blog and now I wanted to talk about the upside to working for a company as a blogger. *You know how much you’re going to make with each blog entry. When you have a personal blog, you may only end up making pennies each month, literally. When I write a blog for Families, on the other hand, I know exactly how much I am going to make from each blog. I can calculate how much my paycheck will be before it is even cut and sent to me, and … Continue reading

Blogging for Pay

Since I have come home to work, I have done a variety of jobs, and the steadiest income from those jobs has been from blogging. There are a lot of people who make a heck of a lot more than I do from blogging (think six figures here) but although I may not make the most, I think I still have lots to share with anyone who is looking into getting into the blogging business themselves. The more I learn, the more surprised I am at how much I didn’t know when I first got started. I stumbled around pretty … Continue reading

The Move to Technology

Technology is a good thing. Airplanes fly, e-mail doesn’t require a stamp, and finding information doesn’t require a trip to the library (or even the bookshelf) because of the internet and the computer. In education the move to technology has also brought many improvements and benefits to older ways of doing things (I would not have completed a masters thesis if not for the modern word processor as a typewriter would have driven me mad). There are downsides to technology though. Oftentimes digital presentation software will replace the skill of speaking (both for teacher lectures and student presentations). When I … Continue reading