Why You Shouldn’t Slack—On The Job—Around The Holidays

If you are looking to advance your career you shouldn’t let the lure of dancing sugarplums and gingerbread men distract you this holiday season. According to career counselors, the holidays are no time to be slacking in your efforts if you are trying to move up the career ladder. On the contrary, experts say this is a time of real opportunity because a lot of your competitors are taking time off to decorate their homes, spend time with their families, and purchase gifts to stick under the tree. In addition, studies show the beginning of a new year is often … Continue reading

The Office Christmas Party—To Go Or Not To Go

Prior to becoming a work-at-home-mom I worked as a news reporter at various television stations around the nation. I enjoyed my job and the opportunities that it afforded me. What’s more, I liked the people I worked with. As I mentioned in a previous blog, some of my best friends are ones I met on the job. So each year when the invitations to our office Christmas party were handed out, I didn’t hesitate to accept. Why would I? I enjoyed the company of my co-workers and I got a free meal out of it—what’s not to like? According to … Continue reading

Making Friends At Work—Helpful or Harmful? Part 2

In my previous blog: “Making Friends At Work—Helpful or Harmful?” I discussed the issue of whether it’s smarter to keep your personal and professional lives separate or to seek out friendships at your place of employment. The topic caused quite a stir on a local radio talk show I was listening this afternoon. The moderator also raised a few other thought provoking questions, including one of my favorites: Are the friendships you develop at work fundamentally different from other friendships? Again the listeners were split. After all, a job does provides financial security so if you is forced to choose … Continue reading

Making Friends At Work—Helpful or Harmful?

I’ve done news stories on office romances and whether or not they’re a good idea, but today I heard an interesting discussion on the radio as to what role friendships should play in the workplace? The passionate responses were in response to the question: “Is it smarter to keep your personal and professional lives separate or to seek out friendships at your place of employment?” The listeners who were pro-work place friendships maintained that an office buddy could provide feedback on your performance or act as a sounding board. Of course, the other positive aspects of having work place pals … Continue reading