Jobs in Disaster Relief

As much of the world has done, I have watched in horror the utter destruction of parts of China which has overshadowed the tragedy in Myanmar by its press coverage. I have a close friend in China right now. She is safe, but was near the quake and has shared briefly that there is utter destruction and hopelessness all around. She is a trained EMT and can help, but as a foreigner is powerless to do so unless invited. In honor of her, and the recent tragedies that have occurred in Asia these last two weeks I’ve decided to write … Continue reading

Never Too Old!

Some people use age as an excuse to opt out of becoming involved and helping others. Our local paper recently ran a story about an 87 year old man, Cyril Brown. Unlike some today, his main focus has never been on earning a living and looking after his own best interests. Rather, his has been a life of helping and serving others. Currently he is a volunteer who delivers for Meals on Wheels. Ironically, he is older than some of the people he is delivering meals too. When not delivering meals, he spends his time doing other odd jobs to … Continue reading

The Most Important Part of Your Job: Your Boss

Often people forget just how significant of a role their boss plays in their job satisfaction. Your supervisor’s style and personality should ideally match your expectations. There is no ideal boss; the key is to find the one that works best with your work style. A great supervisor can truly make or break your job experience. He or she can turn a great job into a horrible one and a boring job into a great one. Unfortunately, we often don’t have complete control over who we work for in an organization. Therefore, it is critical to keep this factor in … Continue reading

Earthquake May Prove to be a Milestone for Chinese Adoptions

In a stunning departure from centuries of tradition, thousands of China’s people are considering adoption, moved by the stories of the orphans of the massive earthquake which shook Sichuan Province as well as neighboring provinces on May 12. In the past, adoption has been unusual in Chinese society. Until recently the government discouraged it, fearing that some people would use adoption to get around the one-child (or one-boy or two-girl in some rural areas) policy. But more than that, cultural mores have deterred adoption. An official from the China Center for Adoption Affairs explained that previously, people who adopted would … Continue reading

Not So Smart Business

Tim Horton’s Coffee Shop Fires Single Mom for Giving Out a $.16 Doughnut–to a Toddler Yep, apparently her manager wanted to make an example of what not to do. Don’t be generous to customers’ children thereby encouraging them to come back but instead, tell the little tike that he doesn’t deserve a doughnut. Apparently a worker saw the toddler reaching for the doughnut from across the counter and just gave him one. Shame, shame–she didn’t pay for it and her manager fired her for stealing. Once the story broke the company offered her the job back (which she accepted) and … Continue reading