Genealogy Websites to Stop Listing Social Security Numbers

Some genealogy websites have decided to stop listing Social Security numbers online. Those numbers can be really useful for genealogists who are working on their family trees. Unfortunately, those numbers can also be used by thieves who want to commit identity theft. One of the resources that genealogy websites use is something called The Social Security Death Index. Insurance companies use it too, but not for the same reason that genealogists use it. Insurers who sell life insurance use the Death Master File database to determine if policyholders have passed away. Genealogists use it to locate the Social Security number … Continue reading

Is Your Job Overrated?

The other day, Stephanie Romero wrote a wonderful post about the most depressing jobs. Recently, I came across an article on CNBC that talked about the twelve most overrated jobs. This is a topic near and dear to my heart, not only because one of my jobs is on this list but also because some of these jobs are the kinds of things that well meaning parents push their children to aspire to even though they do not really know anything about what having one of those jobs is really like. I know from experience that it is hard to … Continue reading

How to Apply for Social Security Disability Benefits

Social Security Disability is a program that is designed to provide income to people who are unable to work because they have a disability. This program is available for adults and children. Parents can apply for benefits for their children who have disabilities. Here is a quick guide that can help you get started. Trying to navigate your way through the application process for Social Security Disability benefits can be overwhelming. In general, government websites that are designed to give people information about how to qualify for benefits are written in language that is extremely difficult to understand. Don’t let … Continue reading

The Controversy Behind Social Security Disability Insurance

The federal government has a program called Social Security Disability Insurance. It is designed to be used by people who are unable to work due to a mental or physical health issue. There are judges who are supposed to evaluate each individual case, and determine who is eligible. It seems that one of the judges has an extremely high rate of approval. An investigation has been started. Earlier this week, the Wall Street Journal published a front page article that pointed out the very high award rate of one of the administrative judges whose job it is to evaluate applications … Continue reading

Should You Take the Job?

My husband was offered a new job today. It was pretty exciting—and scary. Exciting in that it means a raise, and it means new opportunities, and it means that we might be able to move to a larger home, which is so badly needed. But it’s scary for other reasons. Will it stick? Will he be happy there? Will making this dramatic change be good for our family? When faced with this kind of question, there are certain questions to ask which may make all the difference in the answer. 1. Benefits—does the new company offer benefits that are comparable … Continue reading

Job Security For Home-Based Professionals

One thing that repeatedly comes to mind as I think about my journey as a home-based professional is job security. If you are thinking about becoming a home-based professional, you have undoubtedly thought about how it is risky to leave your seemingly secure current employment situation to venture out on your own. I know that I thought it was risky when I first started out. As time has passed, however, I have come to feel more secure in my employment than I ever did when I was working at any job. The reason for this sense of security is that … Continue reading

Choosing a Name: It’s a Tough Job

I think choosing your baby’s name is the hardest part of becoming a parent. When I was picking out paint colors for the nursery, I knew I could always repaint if I didn’t like it a few years down the road. When I was picking out a doctor, I knew I could always switch if he wasn’t the right fit. But when you are picking out a name for your child, the pressure is on because that name will stick with them for life. What if you choose a name you love but everyone at school makes fun of your … Continue reading

Don’t Quit Your Day Job (Yet)

Sometimes, people who start their own business do not have to think long and hard about whether and when to leave their current job. Perhaps the decision was made for them when they suddenly found themselves unemployed. Others make their decision quickly, in the face of unbearable working conditions or other pressing matters, and leave their job the very same day. In my case, I was pregnant and when I went in for a scheduled appointment one day, my midwife ordered me to go on bed rest for the remainder of the pregnancy. Many people who are thinking about starting … Continue reading

Worrying About Losing Your Job is Bad For Your Health

Are you worried about losing your job? You’re certainly not alone. But a new study says that worrying about losing your job can be worse for your health than being unemployed. Researchers from the University of Michigan, the University of California, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, and the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development took a look at data from some long-term studies on American workers. The two studies — one done during the 1980s and one during the 1990s — interviewed workers about physical and mental health. People who were persistently worried about losing their jobs reported … Continue reading

Pregnancy, the Economy, and Your Job

The current economic recession/depression has many people worried about their future job security. This includes pregnant women, who may worry about their health insurance and maternity leave benefits as well as the job. A recent study suggests pregnant women may actually be most at risk of losing jobs during a recession. The study was conducted at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. The study’s author looked at this and past recessions in collecting data about employment for pregnant women in times of economic hard ship. During difficult times, pregnant women may be seen as a ‘weak link’ or easily fired. Sometimes … Continue reading