Be Flexible during the Busy Holiday Season

If there was ever a time in which busyness could become a good excuse for not exercising, it is certainly during the holidays. Most of us are working, taking care of families and trying to find time to make holiday preparations. I feel that stress of trying to get everything done. It is the middle of December and I don’t have all of my gift shopping done. I have yet to bake cookies and there are upcoming parties to attend, let alone planning out Christmas day in which I am hosting. But instead of using busyness during the holiday season … Continue reading

Easter Freedom

My daughter and I have always been exceptionally close. I chock it up to the hours and hours she spent attached to my breast while she was an infant. And by hours I mean days. Actually, months. Okay, years. The kid nursed for the first two-and-a-half years of her life. My bosom buddy is six now and breastfeeding has been replaced with quality time doing other things together, such as reading, playing tennis, taking hikes and playing with Barbie’s urinating pups. Whereas my daughter is in full-day school this year, I still pepper our playtime with little lessons, including stranger … Continue reading

Excuses for Not Exercising: #2 I Am Just Too Tired

“I am just too tired to exercise” is something that I can really relate to, but then I have to remind myself that I will actually have more energy in the end. A typical day in the average American woman’s life: Crawl out of bed and attempt to put yourself together to look presentable for the day. Get the kids up, dressed, fed, organized for their day and try to manage to not get dirty or sweaty yourself in the process (this is extremely tough).Shuffle the kids to school or day care. Go to work and deal with unreasonable and … Continue reading

For The Daddy-To-Be

When the topic of pregnancy comes up, 99% of the time, all the information, advice, and attention is given to the woman. After all, it is she who is carrying the child, dealing with the symptoms of pregnancy, and going through the unforgettable experience of childbirth. But what about dad? Today’s pregnancy blog is just for you, daddy-to-be. I want to give you a little credit for weathering the storm of our mood swings, driving to the store to get us ice cream and pickles at 3am, listening to us complain about our round ligament pain, and letting us squeeze … Continue reading

Balancing Work and Life

Over the years, we as a society have shifted in our expectations of work. Back in the 1950s, working a 40-hour week with only one spouse (usually the man) employed was the typical family work life. Over the years, with the booming economy of the 1980s, there became a greater expectation of material needs. Society began to expect workers to go beyond the 40-hour workweek to compete. In addition, dual income families became the norm. Since the new millennium, there has been another shift. More and more families are trying to still compete in the workforce but also find ways … Continue reading

Take Care of Yourself

As a mother or a father it is important to find time to take care of yourself, so that you have the strength that you need to care for your family. It can be difficult to find the right balance when it comes to this. There are people who spend too much time on meeting their own needs first, and in doing this they forget to care for their families. While there are others who devote so much time to their families and they end up overwhelming themselves. As a parent and a spouse you need to make sure you … Continue reading

How Wii Are Celebrating Pleasure Your Mate Month (Among Other Things)

In addition to Pleasure Your Mate Month, the Team Pryor household has other super September celebrations underway. Wayne’s birthday on Friday basically kicked off the fiesta. My birthday comes next, exactly one week after Wayne’s. Two days after that we celebrate our wedding anniversary. Four days after that is my dad’s birthday. Three days later, on the 23rd, the festivities conclude with Murph’s birthday. Phew! What a month. Buying presents for my dad and Murph is easy. Exchanging gifts between Wayne and myself? Well, that’s never easy. And complicating it even more than usual this year is our impending move. … Continue reading

A Type II Diabetes Journey: Been There, Done That, Can’t Fit into the T-Shirt

I’ve been overweight for about a dozen years. Like most people, I’ve tried just about everything. Some diets have been successful in the short run; others have been complete disasters. Does anyone remember the Pasta Diet? I gained six pounds in two weeks with that. I tried the meal replacement shakes. Ended up so sick the doc wanted to put me in the hospital. I just couldn’t stick with Atkins, and the pounds I did lose came right back on. The only diet that ever really worked was the Healthy Liver Diet, and my family refused to stay on it. … Continue reading

Optical and Digital Zoom

Recently, I have been given the task of helping my grandma sort through her dresser full of photos. She could have used a good article on storage tips many years ago, but I’ll touch on that another day. As we go through the piles of photos, I keep noticing the same problems with them. Whoever was behind the camera seemed to be standing so far away! I have noticed that my grandmother still does this. She insists to get the full body shot, along with the whole tree, a few feet of grass, and whatever else she can squeeze into … Continue reading