Working: Finding Flexible Jobs

Finding flexible jobs as a single parent isn’t easy, but it is getting easier and easier as time goes on. More and more companies are starting to see the benefits of being flexible, the benefits of allowing employees to work from home, the benefits of keeping their employees happy and allowing them to have more time out of the office. I know people kept saying that, and I kept thinking “Yeah right, then why can’t I find any of these flexible positions?” They are out there however. Sometimes it just takes a little more digging than normal, sometimes it takes … Continue reading

How to Find Work if Interested in Subcontracting

I just finished explaining subcontracting from the point of view of the contractor. Now we’re on to finding the work if you’re interested in becoming a subcontractor yourself. I am the member of a popular WAHM (work-at-home moms) forum, and I am realizing now, more than ever, that one of the best parts about being active in those kinds of forums is the work that comes from them. I have gotten a handful of jobs in the past several months from other posters on that forum either posting a “Help me!” post that I responded to, or by them PMing … Continue reading

How to Avoid Some of the Common Pitfalls to Subcontracting out Work

Yesterday, I covered the basics of subcontracting out work. Basically, whether you’re an IC who is overwhelmed with work, or an IC searching for work, subcontracting can be your best friend. It doesn’t just have to be in the writing field – transcription is a huge field for subcontracting, as is editing eBooks, editing articles, etc. Some work lends itself to subcontracting better than other work, but pretty much anything that can be done at home can be subcontracted to another person. Since the IC field is such a feast or famine world (I better take this work because I … Continue reading