Organization Police On The Job

Today is the day! I’m very excited, today I get to help Nancy purge some stuff from her house. My friend Nancy is an admitted hoarder. She’s not as bad as the ones they make TV shows about but she still has way too much stuff. Nancy loves beautiful things. She has a collection of quilts that she has found at yard sales and thrift stores. She loves shoes, clothes, handbags. Nancy is always very well dressed and loves putting outfits together, she also hates wearing the same thing all the time. It’s going to be hard for her because … Continue reading

Talking Money With Your Honey

Did you know that money is the most common cause of disagreement among couples? Whether a couple is rich or poor does not matter, disagreements about money are common among couples from all points on the economic spectrum. It’s no wonder, then, that many couples avoid discussing finances at all costs. What if you knew that discussing your finances together could actually improve your relationship, if you went about it the right way? You would probably be more inclined to give it a try. Tackling the tricky area of finance as a team can actually strengthen your relationship and keep … Continue reading

The Most Important Part of Your Job: Your Boss

Often people forget just how significant of a role their boss plays in their job satisfaction. Your supervisor’s style and personality should ideally match your expectations. There is no ideal boss; the key is to find the one that works best with your work style. A great supervisor can truly make or break your job experience. He or she can turn a great job into a horrible one and a boring job into a great one. Unfortunately, we often don’t have complete control over who we work for in an organization. Therefore, it is critical to keep this factor in … Continue reading

An Unexpected Job Offer

Every so often we are approached by a headhunter, previous co-worker or associate that has a job offer. These are often unplanned and unexpected, at a time we may not even be looking for a change. How should you handle these sorts of situations? First, let it boost your ego a bit. Certainly, someone has recognized your skills and quality of work. This should make you feel proud. Still, don’t let this feeling go to your head. Just because someone wants you… doesn’t mean you have to go! When presented with an opportunity you were not exactly looking for, you … Continue reading

Finding Value in Your Job

The reality is that we spend more time working in our lives than doing any other activity. In order to make it through life truly satisfied; you need to find some value in your job. This does not mean you have to make a ton of money or only do work that benefits society as a whole. What it means is you have to find a way to be true to yourself in your career choices. Before you can determine the best job, you have to take some time to get to know YOU. While this can be harder than … Continue reading

What Your Kids Can Learn From Disney Films

It may sound completely ridiculous, but whenever I face a really trying task, I still remember this little song I learned as a child. The song spoke of how every job that must be done held an element of fun. If you could find this element, the job would become a game. Now, while every task that I undertake may not exactly become a piece of cake, I’ve found that the creed still serves me well and when I do find that little element, the job goes from being seemingly impossible to completely do-able. That little nugget of knowledge came … Continue reading

Freelance Work Is Going Strong

Today, I read the latest newsletter from my favorite place for finding online freelance writing work – Elance. The newsletter had interesting information about the current state of freelance employment, and the news is encouraging especially considering the dismal state of employment in general. Freelance business is booming and, in total, Elance contractors earned 43 million dollars in the first quarter of financial year 2012 – the strongest quarterly earnings to date. What are these contractors doing to earn all of that money? The skills that were in highest demand during the first quarter of 2012 were information technology and … Continue reading

All About Attitude

So much depends on our attitude towards the people we meet and the circumstances in our lives, circumstances often over which we have no control. In Philippians 1 Paul has a lot to teach us about attitude. Though he was in prison at the time of writing this letter to the Philippians and might have bemoaned his fate, he did not. Instead he saw that it would turn out for his deliverance. He could have sat on his behind and did nothing while in prison. Instead he chose to write and encourage those in the church with his words of … Continue reading

To Leave or Not to Leave

In the early years of our marriage, the threat of leaving became our default position in a distressing number of our fights. For me, the devastation of feeling totally misunderstood, my efforts unappreciated, and my actions unfairly judged left me thinking that there was only one way out, and that way was out the door. Over the years, however, I have come to understand a few things: 1) There is hardly ever just one way out; 2) If you are truly committed to the marriage, leaving is not an option; and, 3) Control is at the root of most conflict. … Continue reading

A Day in the Life of a Nurse: Benefits in the Nursing Profession

Nurses are given a wondrous variety of opportunities for advancement. An LPN, or Licensed Practical Nurse can further her career and become a RN, or Registered Nurse. An RN can likewise do the same and move up in her education by obtaining a higher degree. From there a nurse can advance even further on up the ladder becoming a supervisor or director. In addition to these more opportunities are available depending upon where you are employed. The benefits for a nursing position will vary according to where you are employed locally and can even fluctuate throughout the United States. However, … Continue reading