What Should You Do if Your Company Wants You to Move Overseas?

In this global economy, more of us are working for organizations that are international in scope. As trouble has hit the American economy, some of these companies are shutting down United States facilities and moving their workforce overseas. In addition, many multi-national organizations routinely offer the opportunity to move up the corporate ladder by switching offices. Therefore, whatever your nationality might be, you could be asked to move from your home to a completely new culture. What you do in this case is entirely personal. However, there are some advantages about working in a foreign land worth mentioning. 1. In … Continue reading

An Unexpected Job Offer

Every so often we are approached by a headhunter, previous co-worker or associate that has a job offer. These are often unplanned and unexpected, at a time we may not even be looking for a change. How should you handle these sorts of situations? First, let it boost your ego a bit. Certainly, someone has recognized your skills and quality of work. This should make you feel proud. Still, don’t let this feeling go to your head. Just because someone wants you… doesn’t mean you have to go! When presented with an opportunity you were not exactly looking for, you … Continue reading

Are You In a Recession Proof Job?

If you listen or read anything about finances at all, no doubt you’re becoming intimately acquainted with the word recession. Whether you think we’re in one now, or whether we’re just on the brink of a recession–things are getting tougher financially. Gone are the days of economic boom and returning are the days of frugality and preparedness. There is truly no such thing as a “recession proof” job. All jobs are subjected to the same woes of financial crisis however, experts say that some industries are indeed safer than others. However, what most industry experts are saying is that it … Continue reading