Should You Take the Job?

My husband was offered a new job today. It was pretty exciting—and scary. Exciting in that it means a raise, and it means new opportunities, and it means that we might be able to move to a larger home, which is so badly needed. But it’s scary for other reasons. Will it stick? Will he be happy there? Will making this dramatic change be good for our family? When faced with this kind of question, there are certain questions to ask which may make all the difference in the answer. 1. Benefits—does the new company offer benefits that are comparable … Continue reading

An Unexpected Job Offer

Every so often we are approached by a headhunter, previous co-worker or associate that has a job offer. These are often unplanned and unexpected, at a time we may not even be looking for a change. How should you handle these sorts of situations? First, let it boost your ego a bit. Certainly, someone has recognized your skills and quality of work. This should make you feel proud. Still, don’t let this feeling go to your head. Just because someone wants you… doesn’t mean you have to go! When presented with an opportunity you were not exactly looking for, you … Continue reading

Budgeting Unexpected School Expenses

School expenses can add very quickly. It is important to budget carefully and decide at the beginning of the year just how much you are willing to spend on each of your children throughout the year. In addition to little items such as school lunch, school supplies and field trips. Here are four school-related expenses that you may not have considered. 1) School field trips and overnight trips are becoming more expensive every year. Your child does not necessarily need to attend all the overnight trips, especially if you cannot afford them. You may offer to pay fifty percent, and … Continue reading

A Better Future Lies Ahead

When you are a single parent just making ends meet can be a struggle. The only way to get you and your children into a better financial position is through education. I know what you’re thinking, there already aren’t enough hours in the day or enough money to go around, how can you possibly go to school? It may be easier than you think. Many career paths will offer the chance to do a paid apprenticeship. You learn, while you are working so you gain usable, real life job experience. As a single mother you may also qualify for tuition … Continue reading

GOP Debate Reveals Disturbing Views of Health Insurance

On Monday, September 12, 2011, CNN hosted what is being called a “Tea Party debate”. A specific question that was asked regarding health insurance unexpectedly revealed a truly disturbing viewpoint from the crowd, as well as the politicians. It seems they prefer to let the uninsured die, rather than to have society pay for the health care needs of the sick and uninsured. Wolf Blitzer was the host of this debate between GOP politicians who are contending for the nomination that would allow them to compete against President Obama in the 2012 election. One of the most important topics that … Continue reading

Car Insurance from My Alumni Association?

I never expected to open mail from an Alumni Association, and find an advertisement for car insurance. However, that is exactly what I found in my mailbox today. It was unexpected. Every once in a while, I get some kind of mail from the Alumni Association where I got my B.S. in Education several years ago. Sometimes, they send me a magazine like newsletter, that describes what some of the other people who graduated from the same university as me are up to now. I see marriage announcements of people I do not know. I am informed about the awesome … Continue reading

Five Things I Loved About Giving Birth In the Hospital

When I was pregnant, I read a lot of forums, books, blogs and essays about different settings and styles of childbirth. The obvious choice is a hospital, but there are also birth centers, home births and free births. Many of the writers bashed hospitals, claiming unnecessary intervention, poor care, increased risk and self absorbed doctors as a few of the reasons hospital births are a bad idea. I chose to give birth in a hospital for a number of reasons, health insurance being the main reason. I was all geared up to “fight for my rights” as a patient and … Continue reading

Free Health Care in Arizona for Single Moms

Barely scraping by and living from week to week, paycheck to paycheck can discourage even the most upbeat single mother. The rising cost of food and clothing, not to mention basic living expenses such as housing, heat, water, and other necessities uses up more than what you make in a week. Jockeying around checking and savings accounts becomes an art as you attempt to pay all of your bills, but there never seems to be enough money to go around. Luxuries are few and far between and at that you really cannot afford them at all, but you feel that … Continue reading

How Do You Do It?: Single Parent Survival

People who single parent are often asked this question, “How do you do it?” Well, let me see. Is there a choice? You just do it. I guess there is a choice logically speaking. You could curl up in a ball and crumble. Run for the hills. Give your children away. Pretend it never happened, sit back, do nothing, and watch your house and kids be taken from you. You see, really, what choice is there? I suppose that there are people who would do those things, but most people would do what they had to do to take care … Continue reading

Frugal Living Month in Review: July 2008

July went by so quickly for us! There were so many fun and frugal activities and events for us to explore, from a science camp to free movies and sand sculpting. I hope your July was equally fun and frugal. Summer is a busy time, I know. Did you miss any frugal articles last month? If so, here is an opportunity to catch up on what you missed. There are new ways to save money on food, clothing, kids, gas and more. Feel free to leave a comment on any frugal post. I read all of the comments myself, no … Continue reading