What You Can Do for Animal Shelters

Early in my time as Pets blogger at families.com I listed a variety of volunteering options available to those who love animals but for whatever reason aren’t able to own them. The possibilities I provided all involved volunteering with animal shelters or rescues, but I limited my suggestions to those with high levels of animal interaction. However, if you just want to share your passion for pets with those pets that don’t have any homes, shelters/rescues have several volunteering opportunities that extend beyond what I mentioned before. Specific needs obviously depend upon the particular shelter or rescue in question, but … Continue reading

My Life as a Pets Blogger, Part II: Oh, The Tales I Hear

In Part I I talked about how I’ve come to claim myself as a writer via my Pets Blogging position with Families.com. The responses are very different than they once used to be when I simply said, “I’m a writer.” Is My Pet Normal? Take last week when I went to get my haircut for instance. Once the hairstylist heard I wrote about pets, she did what many do: assumed I’m some sort of expert. Before I knew it she was confiding in me about her cat Seymour. She started with anecdotes about him playing fetch. I’ve heard of cats … Continue reading

Finding Joy

I’m going to take a stab at a topic that is sort of close to my heart. This is close to my heart because at a certain point in my educational life I decided to pursue something that wasn’t about money. This was at one point a big struggle in my life. In my case this was theatre, but insert your own passion if you wish. I see many students agonizing over future careers and the choices they make now as being either maybe helpful or probably detrimental to their well being in the future (normally translated as their “financial” … Continue reading

Kentucky Derby Winner Barbaro Dies

Sad news from Pennsylvania—the horse that won the world over after shattering his leg at last year’s Preakness has died. According to news sources, Barbaro was euthanized today after complications made it impossible for the thoroughbred to live comfortably. Yesterday I read that Barbaro had suffered another setback, but frankly, I was shocked to hear that less than 24 hours later his owners decided to put him down. In a previous blog I detailed Barbaro’s incredible recovery, and like many of you I figured he was going to beat the odds and live the remainder of his life on a … Continue reading